Saturday 6 September 2014

Consuming has become an 'trend' in it self.

We as humans seem to be so dependent on being part of a specific group that we will go to the ends of the earth to be able to participate. The question one can pose to oneself is whether or not one is investing in the particular chosen lifestyle due to personal reasons or simply just because it is the new trend? A prime example of this would have to be the Hipster trend.What exactly is it that makes 'wealth' individuals dress as if they can afford new clothing items? 

I found this interesting illustration while browsing through Bored Panda and it captures my thoughts exactly when it comes to being a hipster.

As a matter of fact these clothing items are priced at an extravagant rate and for what reason? 

Has humankind become so obsessed with consuming these trends that we don't realise that the process of consumption might actually be consuming us. 

Trends influence more than just clothing styles but also what is trendy to eat, what technology one buys into and what music genre is advocated as being quality. The list goes on. 

Posted by Zarine 

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