Friday 12 September 2014

How much could you recycle?

Posted by Edwin 

Take the challenge and for one week don’t discard your rubbish.  Depending on how much you consume, you will be surprised on how much you consume on a regular basis.  The volume your waste takes up is astonishing.  Most of us are inconsiderate consumers when it comes to a finished product or wrapping.  By simply throwing your litter into a rubbish bin and forgetting about it.  This notion of throwing and not caring is a lifestyle we must change. 
Recycling is such a simple task!  Yes I know recycle bins are not situated at all convenient points of assembly.  However the exercise and knowledge you will obtain by searching for recycling points can only be beneficial to you.  After all we are living for a better future and at the moment this entails looking after the present to secure a clean, resourceful future.

When buying your next product look at the back where you would typically find the nutritional information and recycling symbols will accompany this information.  Each part of the packaging will be separately stipulated to which category it falls under for recycling.  This is an easy sorting method for you to follow.

So next time when you are opening your favourite beverage take the time to learn more about the product other than just quenching your thirst.

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